I just love these type of sessions; Mommy and me are keepsake memories that you can hang onto for generations. Seeing such sweet smiles and silly laughs are the greatest! These are the moments that make my job worth it!! Seeing everyone laughing and having fun, all while still taking amazing photos! Mom’s don’t get enough credit for all their hard work, why not reward that special lady with what means most to her? Every Mom LOVES family photos with their children! I can’t wait to share the rest of my Mommy and me sessions. And then host first time ever, Daddy and me!!
Can I also just share that this is my first time using this awesome tee-pee that I built?! I just love how amazing these photos turned out with it! I even bought fresh flowers to decorate with! Not only was it pretty but smelled good too!! I am a huge fan of fresh cut flowers!
Call soon to purchase your Mommy and Me gift cards!! And keep an eye out, Daddy and Me sessions are just around the corner!!